Friday, January 27, 2012

Satan Sucks, But You're Ok!

The Chinchilla Poem
By Bailey Loveless

I bought a chinchilla to mend a broken heart
Because I was sick of trying to get men to do it.
My last two beasts ran away due to hormonal imbalances.
Thus I reasoned a chinchilla was the perfect pet.
So I bought the thing,
Gave it a name,
And stuck it in a cage.
I feed it. Groom it.
And take it out when I want to cuddle while watching TV.
We’re very happy together.
Now all I have to worry about is the thing dying on me.  

K so this poem is not the whole truth, I'm not suffering from a broken heart nor have I bought a chinchilla. At least not yet. But I certainly do plan on getting on! I have become obsessed with chinchillas. And I definitely think I deserve a new furry friend after my stupid cat ran away on me (he is one of the hormonal beasts I referred too). I will have a chinchilla and I thoroughly plan on watching tv with it. 

After expressing my craze to a friend, they shared with me the following song, which I totally love: