Sunday, January 29, 2012

The World Is Deprived

No but it is. Because there are some songs that aren't available on and I think it's a real shame. Because if they were there, they would totally be on my playlist for you all to listen to every time you opened this blog. So I'm taking it upon myself to post them here so I can at least say I tried and you all can listen to this wonderful stuff! It's beautiful!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Satan Sucks, But You're Ok!

The Chinchilla Poem
By Bailey Loveless

I bought a chinchilla to mend a broken heart
Because I was sick of trying to get men to do it.
My last two beasts ran away due to hormonal imbalances.
Thus I reasoned a chinchilla was the perfect pet.
So I bought the thing,
Gave it a name,
And stuck it in a cage.
I feed it. Groom it.
And take it out when I want to cuddle while watching TV.
We’re very happy together.
Now all I have to worry about is the thing dying on me.  

K so this poem is not the whole truth, I'm not suffering from a broken heart nor have I bought a chinchilla. At least not yet. But I certainly do plan on getting on! I have become obsessed with chinchillas. And I definitely think I deserve a new furry friend after my stupid cat ran away on me (he is one of the hormonal beasts I referred too). I will have a chinchilla and I thoroughly plan on watching tv with it. 

After expressing my craze to a friend, they shared with me the following song, which I totally love: 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hello Blog Gurus

I would like to apologize formally for my extended absence and hope y'all didn't totally give up on the blog in the meantime. My computer has been broken for about a month now and with school starting, it's been crazy trying to get pictures and such together. But I will be more diligent from now on and as an added apology, I would like to share a poem I wrote yesterday. Keep in mind it's in its most primitive and unedited form but, hopefully you enjoy it nevertheless:

Blood, guts, and gore
Are all we hear of anymore
It takes gore to gain glory
And guts to get up in the morning
And a heart pumped with blood
To learn how to love.
Blood, guts, and gore.
That's all we hear about anymore.