Sunday, December 25, 2011



And here's a little present from me--a recommendation. This is one of my favorite Christmas songs. I know it's weird. But give it a try. Listen to it. Do it:

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Photos of the Week (12/4-12/10)








Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Spanish Christmas Story

Since I'm too busy working on finals to post, I figured I'd post some of my finals. This is part of my final project for Spanish. We had to tell a story about our lives and do a presentation on it en todo espanol. Let's see if you can read it. 

This is a true story, fyi.

Era diciembre y yo tenía cuatro años. Yo y mi familia viviamos en Renton de Washington en una casa pequeña. Nuestra casa rodeado (surrounded) por un bosque (forest). Pero no veiamos los animales provienen (come) del bosque nada. En nuestra casa, teniamos un “playroom” donde mi hermano y yo manteníamos nuestros juguetes (toys). Típicamente, era muy desordenado. Navidad estaba en el aire. Mis padres querian comprar un árbol de Navidad. Pero, el “playroom” estaba sucio (messy). Si el playroom estuviera limpio, comprariamos el árbol.
 Mi madre me dijo, “Limpia el ‘playroom.’”
Yo dije, “Porque?”
Ella dijo, “Santa solo traeria los regalos a las niñas si sus los “playrooms” limpio manteniera.”
Inteligentemente, yo dije, “¿Cómo Santa sabe si yo limpié mis juguetes o no?”
Mi madre dijo, “Hay los ciervo (deer) en el bosque son los amigos con los reno (reindeer) de Santa. Si los ciervo vieran en la ventana y supieran el playroom está sucio, ellos dirían el reno y el reno dirían a Santa.”
Me quejé y gemí (complained y moaned) y dije, “Yo soy como Cinderella!” Pero me le creía. Queriendo más juguetes, yo fui y limpié el playroom mientras que mi madre lavó los platos.
Yo volví pronto. Con orgulla, me la dije mi madre,Todo está limpio! Vengas y ve! Vengas y ve!”
Ella dijo, “Ok, Bailey, dame un minute y voy a estar allí.”
Se secó las manos en una toalla y yo corrí delante de ella.
Yo grité.(screamed)
Mi madre se me pensando que estaba herido (hurt). Corrió a el playroom. Ella me vio. Yo estaba de pie (standing) con los ojos enormes, la boca abierta, y señalando (pointing) por la ventana.
Allí, en el marco de la ventana, fue un ciervo, buscando en el playroom.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's That Time of the Year

I'm not talking about Christmas. I'm talking about finals. These next two weeks really put the phrase, "It gets worse before it gets better" into perspective.

I'm not here to whine though. I thought I would just give you all a heads up that the reason I am not posting as consistently now is simply because I have a lot of school work and other things to think about like how to pass Spanish. I will try to keep posting but it may lack in luster.

And after finals, from the 17-24 I will be out on a boat in the ocean, seeing the exotic sites the world has to offer for one week. Unfortunately internet in the middle of the Atlantic is a bit pricey so you won't be getting stuff then either. But, you'll have awesome stuff to hear about once I get back.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Creepy Cotton Candy

Taken in the MTC. The cotton candy was in the Halloween package I sent him. This makes me smile so much.

Photos of the Week








Friday, December 2, 2011

First World Country Problems

Story of the last week of my life. 

Computer broken. Phone broken. Money drained out of my bank account. An unsightly break out. Not enough beach time and vitamin D. Can't eat cheese tomorrow. Cute kid I met and want to be friends with because I miss my male friends is graduating in two weeks. Pulling myself off of caffeine. Yes, that's been a trip.

But in the end, it's really just money, just stuff, just a lack of a tan, just another fish in the sea, and just things that will eventually make me fat. In a few months it won't even matter and there are bigger problems in the world. Life will go on. So it goes and I just keep on smiling.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Across the World It Came

Yes. Yes. It happened. And I'm so happy about it, I can still scarcely believe it. My letter finally got here! After two weeks of not hearing Trevor, of being ever so "patient," and having slight meltdowns and picking myself back up again by telling myself "it's coming, it's coming," it finally got here from the other side of the world.

I arrived home late Monday afternoon to see a box and a fedex envelope waiting for me. I knew what the box was because unfortunately, over the break, the screen of my Acer laptop completely cracked. It was a traumatizing event that made me so angry I just got online an bought myself a beautiful HP pavilion despite lack of funds. This was the second major issue I had with my Acer laptop's screen and they didn't cover cracks in my warranty. Seeing as that computer was less than a year old, I was sick of dealing with it thus Acer and mine's relationship is over forever.

Anyway, I stared at the envelope, not daring to get my hopes after the 14+ days of waiting. I opened it. And well...let's just say that his letter might as well have been laced with speed and ecstasy because there was screaming, shrieking, jumping, and fist jumping in pure joy and excitement. My first letter from India had made its way to me. There are not enough words to describe how happy and appreciate I am to have received my letter. It came at a time when I definitely could use a pick me up and Trevor, being the wonderful person he is, wrote exactly what I needed to hear/technically read.

And Trevor is doing great. He's happy, healthy and as sweet as ever. I'm lucky to have such a thoughtful boy in my life. His companion is really helping him adapting and is sensitive to his foreign needs so I'm very grateful to Elder Challadurai for taking good care of him. They have baptisms scheduled every Sunday next month. I'm amazed at the maturity and growth that I can already see taking place. It is truly profound how the Lord's work can affect us. And of course, he loves the Indian branch of McDonald's:

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I was so happy to see this on the shelf at Foodland that I knocked down a quart of milk and dropped my sprees to get to it. This is the face of pure joy.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Photos of the Week








Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Gratitude List

Two years ago, I was a senior in high school, ruling my secondary education kingdom, eating crackers and cheese with my sister.
One year ago, I was sitting in my dorm room eating a can of tomato soup, reading a Cosmo, completely depressed.
Today, I'm happy as can be living in a house, watching a movie with my awesome housemates, and going to an actual Thanksgiving dinner with one of my favorite families in all of Laie.
It's amazing how far we can come in life in just a short amount of time. I feel so blessed for all that I have and all that I've experienced.

"Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse."

I'd like to share a small part of my Thanksgiving. It would take a book to describe everything I am grateful for but I can start with a list (in no particular order). 

1-7. My amazing family and everyone in it. 
8. Trevor, my best friend
9. Melly, my saving grace
10-14. My amazing housemates: Jess, Molly, Hailey and Athena
15. My extended family and all their love and support. There's many of you so one space doesn't do you justice but you'd take up too many spaces. Just know that I love you.
16. The gospel
17. A loving Heavenly Father
18. Prayer
19. The scriptures
20. My school
21. Music
22. Singing
23. Dancing
24. Animals
25. Movies
26. The prophet
27. Kisses from a certain someone
28. Jesus Christ
29. My house
30. Having been provided the means to put a roof over my head
31. My job
32. Having my job be awesome
33. Indoor plumbing
34. Letters
35. Pen
36. Paper
37. Ink
38. Pencils
39. Erasers
40. The mail system
41. The grocery store
42. The priesthood
43. Airplanes
44. Money
45. Heating
46. Air conditioning
47. Electricity
48. The internet
49. Books
50. The printing press
51. Cars
52. This beautiful island of Oahu
53. The beach
54. Water
55. A variety of cultures
56. Toliet paper
57. Toliets
58. Showers
59. Sinks
60. Make-up
61. Eyebrows
62. Hair
63. Brushes
64. Combs
65. Bobby Pins
66. Hair ties
67. The Ram's for all their kindness and generosity
68. My grandparents
69. Missionary work
70. Temples
71. The promise of eternal marriage
72. Skype
73. Cell phones
74. Blankets
75. Pillows
76. Light bulbs
77. Being able to read
78. Being able to write
79. Cleaner
80. Farmers
81. Video cameras
82. A stove
83. Shakespeare
84. The theatre
85. Mattresses
87. Teachers
88. Creativity
89. Refrigerators
90. Cupboards
91. Trees
92. Rain
93. Headphones
94. Curlers
95. Straighteners
96. Life
97. Sweat pants
98. Flowers
99. Safety pins
100. Sewing machines
101. Government
102. Numbers
103. Photographs
104. Highlighters
105. Colored pencils
106. Paint
107. Boots
108. Watches and clocks
109. Rivers
110. Beauty
111. Artistry
112. The ability to create
113. The ability to love
114. The ability to give life
115. Power
116. Computers
117. People who preserve old cultures and traditions
118. Temple work
119. Baptisms for the dead
120. Dancing shoes
121. Smiles
122. Doctors
123. Dentists
124. Medicine
125. Ibuprofen
126. Breathing
127. Jones soda
128. Caffeine
129. The ability to cry
130. The ability to feel
131. Insurance
132. Construction
133. Financial Aide
134. Scholarships
135. Mirrors
136. Towels
137. DVDs
138. Being able to think for myself
139. The companionship of the Holy Ghost
140. Knowing I'm loved by others
141. Bravery 
142. Being able to lift ourselves back up when we fall down
143. For people's patience
145. Email
146. Coats and sweaters
147. Fire
148. The sun
149. All the stars
150. The moon
151. Air freshener
152. Microwaves
153. Google
154. Recipe books
155. Laughter
156. Hope
157. Faith
158. Courage
159. Service
160. Love
161. Locks and keys
162. Candles
163. Matches
164. Lighters
165. Scissors
166. Rainbows
167. The radio
168. Windows
169. Chairs
170. Tables
171. Doors
172. Musical instruments
173. The genius and ability of others
174. All that my parent's have taught me 
175. Independence
176. Living in a democracy
177. The newspaper
178. Washing machines
179. Shampoo and conditioner
180. Deodorant
181. General Conference
182. The wind
183. Starbucks
184. The support of my family
185. Hailey
186. Rhett
187. Carter
188. Any other friends that I have learned from and can rely on
189. The Atonement
190. The mountains
191. My health
192. Having a body
193. Filtered water
194. Education
195. Febreeze
196. Toothpaste
197. Opportunities
198. Strawberries
199. Our fore fathers
200. Razors
201. Forgiveness
202. Lotion
203. Keyboards 
204. My bed
205. The future
206. The ability to change
207. The ability to heal
208. Libraries
209. Trials
210. Being included
211. Animals
212. Planners
213. Strength
214. Acne medicine
215. Sleep
216. Yoga
217. Relaxation time
218. Tucker
219. Girls' Nights
220. Fuzzy socks
221. Shelves
222. Raid Spray
223. Bishop
224. The Bishop's Storehouse
225. Sight
226. Hearing
227. Smell
228. Touch
229. Feminine Products
230. Homeless shelters
231. Dad's cooking
232. Calendars
233. Hugs
234. Comfort
235. Warmth
236. Hot baths
237. The feminist movement
238. The constitution
239. Having there always be a way
240. Revelation 
241. Knowledge
242. Folders
243. Open minds
244. Open spaces
245. Intelligent conversations
246. Silliness
247. Craziness!
248. Epic stories
249. Undeveloped land
250. Conservation efforts
251. Whip Cream from the can
252. Boats
253. Listening
254. Sunlight
255. Vitamin D
256. My memory
257. Mother Eve
258. The Abrahamic Covenant
260. Christmas
261. Fly swatters
262. Not having to be perfect to be loved
263. Colors
264. Musicals
265. Summer
266. Vacations
267. Soap
268. My son, Kobe
269. Motivation
270. Emma Smith
271. Joseph Smith
272. Burt's Bees Healing Ointment
273. Babies
274. Imagination
275. Collaboration
276. The invention of the wheel
277. Options
278. Ideas
279. Notifications
280. Clouds
281. Bowls
282. Eating utensils
283. Examples
284. Thomas Jefferson
285. Bread
286. The Sacrament
287. Second Chances
288. Good timing
289. Pleasant surprises
290. Safe drivers
291. Bonding
292. Compassion
293. Nail clippers
294. Happy mediums
295. Instinct
296. Honesty
297. The moments were you just feel happy and content for no reason
298. Lazy afternoons
299. Affection
300. Seat belt
301. Shopping malls
302. Shopping carts
303. Spell check
304. Running
305. That my mom didn't pierce my ears when I was younger
306. Sunsets and sunrises
307. Signs
308. Hair dryers
309. Carpet
310. Food storage
311. Rechargeable batteries
312. Blistex
313. Going home after a long day
314. Spending time with my family
315. Sunscreen
316. Aloe Vera
317. The Visitors' Center
318. Living so close to the temple
319. Snacks
320. Pots and pans
321. The thesaurus
322. Learning new words
323. Not being tone-deaf
324. Chiropractors
325. Movie rentals
326. That taste buds change
327. Crock pots
328. Experiences
329. Being trusted
330. Online applications
331. The pioneers
332. Herbs
333. Nebulizers
334. Thumb tacks
335. Maps
336. Green houses
337. Privacy
338. Heated pools
339. Vaccines
340. Craig's List
341. Declaration of Independence
342. Being able to dress myself
343. Being able to move in heels
344. Flashlights
345. Play time
346. Finding lost things
347. That I don't struggle with the Word of Wisdom
348. Being able to travel
349. For all the wonderful people I've met this year
350. YOU! Because if you're reading this, I'm grateful for you too!

I love you all!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

On It's Way to SLC

After two hours of warming up, practicing, and trying to figure out the camera angles as I film myself in a practice room largely taken over by a grand piano, I finally did. I completed my application and DVD audition for the performing mini-mission in Nauvoo for the summer. It was quite a feat. Filming yourself singing and performing is not an easy thing to do. In fact, I think I scared the people in the practice room next to me away. They weren't in there for very long and I was being super loud and then they just upped and left. Shrug.

The requirements for my DVD included two minutes of an upbeat, broadway song, two minutes of a hymn or ballad, scales from lowest to highest note, and a dramatic reading. Therefore my DVD consisted of:

  • The Spark of Creation from Children of Eden
  • My Kindness Shall Not Depart from Thee, an amazing song based on the Lord's words to Joseph in Liberty Jail
  • My scales--those were funny
  • A short monologue from Dancing At the Lughnasa, minus the Irish accent because you're not supposed to do an accent for auditions but it sounded super weird with out it because that's how I learned it. But whatev. 

Anyway, as of 10:48 AM Hawaii time, it is in the mail on its way over to good old Salt Lake City. I'm actually super excited.  I've always said that I would never go on a mission when I was younger. However, if I were to go on a mission this one would be perfect for me! It's only four months long, I get to go through the intense daily scripture study which I would actually love, and instead of proselyting, I get to sing and dance!  Nothing may come of it-after all they do only take 20 people a year. But I'm proud of myself for applying and trying to come up with options for this summer. I would be so happy if I got accepted. Because as much as I love this rock of Oahu, I need to get off of it for a few months and go see more of the world.

Since the chances of getting into the pageant are not impossible but slim, I'm also applying to a few different study abroad programs through BYU. If I do get into the Nauvoo pageant, my back up is to study abroad in the Fall instead. That would be awesome. To go from a mission to across the world!

Anyway, I'm getting overly excited. But we shall see what happens.

I'm too shy and embarrassed to post my whole audition on here. But I'm willing to share my scales because I think they're funny.

Monday, November 21, 2011

This Rock Isn't Perfect

I live on the beautiful island of Oahu. It is everything you'd imagine a tropical paradise to be-beaches, nice weather, palm trees, waterfalls, the works. It truly is a wonderful place and I love it. But let's get real-it's a dot in the middle of the pacific. While there are lot of things I love about this place, there are definitely things I don't like such as the price of cheese but there are also a lot of things I miss. A lot of items aren't available on the island or are replaced to fit in with the local culture. There are just some things that only a sizable land mass can provide. 

1. In and Out
2. Grocery Prices (especially in the dairy department)
3. Amazing Mexican Food
4. Knowing you can just keep driving for miles and miles
5. Winter
6. Not having the humidity  and wind ruin your face and hair the moment you step out the door
7. My family
8. Jones Sodas
9. Variety on the radio station
10. Not being labeled as a tourist because I want to take a picture of something
11. Not having my feet get sweltering hot in the moments when I do decide to wear closed-toed shoes
12. Amusement parks
13. Macaroni and Cheese from KFC. Here, they just serve rice.
14. Professional sports games, especially football
15. Not being looked at critically because I'm not tan
16. Ballroom and contemporary dance
17. Being able to wear hot, sexy jackets without getting heat exhaustion
18. Amazing movie theaters like The District
19. Running around barefoot in the snow this time of year
20. Fireworks
21. Having going to the beach feel like a special occasion
22. Not having to shave all the time
23. Being able to buy taco seasoning in bulk at the grocery store
24. Having stores readily at hand so I don't have to order it online because waiting a week is easier than trying to work up the time and energy for a bus ride into town or wal-mart
25. Personal space
26. Artsy films being played in the movie theatre
27. More variety in the clothing department with cheaper prices
28. Not getting my slippers or towels taken
29. Being able to go to a variety of big cities
30. Not being weird for wanting to swim in a swimming pool

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Inspiration-Willow Trees

And I will love to see the day
The day is mine
When she will marry me outside
With the willow trees

Guy on a Buffalo!

This video kills me every time. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Photos of the Week