So typically spend a lot of time in class not in class. Instead of spending my time paying attention and taking notes, I draw or write letters or scribble down other ideas before I lose them. Today was no exception. Not only did I draw my first owl (and then went on to doodle two more-one of which looked like a very fat chicken), but I wrote a poem on the back of my assignment.
Round and Round
By Bailey Loveless
I hate heights.
I have always hated
And I know
That you know this.
So when we went to the fair
and you said,
"Let's go on that!"
and I looked at you all funny,
I was thinking,
"Are you freaking crazy?
I just ate for crying outloud!
Do you want me to throw up
all over your white dinner jacket?"
You know the one,
the one from the Macey's bag that I dressed you up in.
You grabbed me by the hand,
ran me reluctantly to the ticket stand,
And bought our tickets.
We got inside the thing
And I was shaking and feeling sick
But we were already on the ride.
I was committed.
It rumbled, it roared.
It started,
for lack of poetic terms.
Up and down, up and down,
Up and down we went.
I stared straight ahead, sick to my stomach,
Counting on you for reassurance,
and what did you do?
You laughed.
I could not believe you.
But you laughed
and laughed and laughed
And said,
"Look down, silly girl."
I stared and swallowed,
then peeked over the edge
And what do you know,
I smiled.
And the lights smiled back up at me,
Reflecting off the bay.
I giggled like a child
and said, "It's so pretty."
You kissed my nose.
"Yes it is dear."
I still feel a whole lot safer on the ground.
But I'll go round and round,
Round and round on the Ferris wheel
With you.
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