Trevor Ram has arrived to the field. It was exciting because I got to talk to him on his layover. It's amazing how four minutes can make such a difference. He had to use a coin pay phone to talk to me and every four minutes the call would end and he'd have to put more coins in. I had a panic attack because it cut out as we were trying to wrap up our conversation. Did I say what I need to? Does he really know how I feel? These were some of the last spoken words we would hear from each other in a long time. It was imperative they were good ones and I felt like I had blown it. I sat there for a long time and could think of nothing else but to pull out a piece of paper and write him a letter since there was nothing else I could do. But then my phone rang and I had those last four sweet minutes to say our peaces to one another. Yes, time is precious and those four minutes made all the difference.
And he has arrived safely. It's been weird the past few days because I've been thinking about the time difference so I'm always a little confused as to what day it is. India is 15 and a half hours ahead of us. I'm not sure where the half hour comes from and I'm too lazy to figure it out so I'm waiting for him to explain it to me. It's strange to me though that when I wake up in the morning, he's getting ready for bed on the other side of the world. My day is starting while his is just ending. And then he wakes up right in the middle of mine and I go to be right in the middle of his. Approximately 2:30ish on both ends. I don't know if these parallels help or make me miss him more. Right now he just feels so far away.
I'm thankful for the mission president, who emailed me, along for his wife, who took pictures of his arrival. Geez he's cute. Although the mission president didn't deliver the best of news: he won't be able to email me personally while he's out there. And while I'm grateful he took the time to tell me and not leave me in the dark, that scares me because I have no idea how the mail system is going to work or how long it's going to take.
He is such a great guy. THE best smile. I hope he gets to really share Christ with people who need Him. Love you Bailey...You are amazing...I am glad you are talking about serving this summer in a performing arts mission... you will go and do what you are supposed to do..either way...try for everything...and OPEN all the doors..and then pray about which one you are supposed to walk through. Let your dad and I know...what we can do to support you. XOXO Mom