Sunday, May 20, 2012

Psst...I MOVED!

So peeps, I love you all and obviously I haven't been here for a while. You wanna know why?! BECAUSE I'M IN FREAKING LITHUANIA! AND IT'S AWESOME! But it was also such an event that it was deemed worthy of a new blog. So if you want to hear of my adventures, head on over to

If not, I may or may not be seeing you here when I get back. Cheers!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's Poetry Month!

No for reals, April is officially poetry month. Who would've thunk? Maybe because it's all of the bad references to April and springtime frequented in poetry. To celebrate though, one of the students I tutor for work and I wrote poetry together for our tutoring appointment. It was so much fun! We assigned each other topics and wrote our poems in ten minutes. I gave him the topic of rainstorms, and he gave me rocks. I personally think he schooled me, but that's up to you. Here's what we came up with.

Geology by Bailey Loveless
You people suck.
You walk down the street, all tall and mighty,
While I sit on the ground, strong and tiny.
Most of you don't even look at me
And when you do, you kick me around.
You throw me way high into the ground
Then try to beat me into the ground.
It's a hard life I lead
Being abused by the people I meet.
But I don't really mind.
Because in a million years, after you've walked by,
You people will all have died and I'll still be alive.

Rainstorms by Kit Nadado
Can I remember when we last prayed
For rain to soothe the drought
In the earth, in my mind, in my heart
And heal the cracks within

This longing for relief that we never found
Were all suppressed by these dark clouds
That brought not only rain
But wind and thunder and the wrath

Pretty good huh?! I was impressed. In response, you should all write me your own ten-minute poems!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Cars don't hit Bailey. Bailey hit cars.

I walked up the steps to the front door of our unit yesterday, took off my running shoes, and opened the door. Two of my housemates looked up from their bowls of cereal and stopped mid-bite. I stare back at them, remaining in the doorway, holding my wrist.

"What happened?" asked Jessica, after a few moments of uncomfortable silence.

"Not to alarm anyone," I said, shutting the door behind me. "But I just got hit by a car."

Yes. This was the actual conversation that took place yesterday morning. And yes, I was actually hit by a car. Well, more like I hit the car. I have to clarify because when I tell people, they usually think I'm joking given the fact that I'm up and about and still went to class yesterday. I was on my daily run around Laie with my headphones blasting (mistake #1). I came to the cross walk at a round about and didn't think there was a car behind me (mistake #2). However, a car was coming towards me so I paid ample attention to THAT car (technically, that's not a total mistake but for the sake of this discussion we'll call it mistake #3). With my head turned to look at the car, I ran into the intersection (mistake #4). And to my surprise, there was a big white van in my way.

I'm not entirely sure what happened after that because I think I went into a state of shock. I can't tell you whether or not I fell down or bumped my head. My right arm hit the mirror of the car while the left side of my body slammed into the door. I have some lovely bruises on my arm and leg to prove it. So if you see me limping or holding my wrist you now know why. But I think for the most part, I am ok and I will live on.

I am kind of humiliated telling this story, but do as I say and not as I do and look both ways next time
And for the record, I finished my run. So you can't say that I don't go the distance.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

To My Dear Family, Friends, Former Teachers, and Good Friends of my Parents (Let’s face it; who doesn’t know my mom ;D ), and Other Loved Ones
            I hope you are all very well. As you all know, I’ve been studying here at BYU-Hawaii since Fall 2010. I’ve had some amazing experiences here and come to love this little rock that I now call home. It’s been wonderful, and I’m so grateful for everyone’s support and love even though I am so far away.
            As many of you know, I’ve been in school continuously. This last semester, I felt the impression that a change was coming for the summer and that I needed to look into other options. I’ve been applying to multiple programs since, keeping my mind open and praying about each one; some I didn’t get accepted to and others I did but turned down due to feeling that they were not where I was supposed to go. Recently, however, I’ve been accepted as a volunteer to teach English in Lithuania, a small country in Eastern Europe, through the International Language Program. ILP is run through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sending young adults worldwide to teach English and provide service. Their school in Lithuania is opening for the first time this summer; if I am able to go, I will be among the first to participate in their program there. My acceptance to this school, in my eyes, was somewhat of a fluke that only could have been provided by the Lord. After much study, prayer, and fasting, I feel that this is the place where I need to go for this summer. It is an amazing opportunity to give service. I will be living there for five months from April to August, teaching English to children daily. It is truly my desire to go and serve the people of Lithuania. 
            My only concern right now is the cost. The program itself is 2,500 dollars which includes airfare, housing, and most meals. Personal expenses and additional transportation is not included in the cost. In total, an estimate of between $3,500-5,000 will be needed in order for me to go and live for the five months. I am doing strictly volunteer work and won’t be receiving any compensation while I’m there. Now, I am doing all I can myself to earn money. I am saving what I can from my part-time job as a tutor at BYUH without getting evicted or starving. Since finding out I was accepted, I’ve began going through and selling what possessions I can. I’m even taking on extra book editing jobs for a Brazilian company when they’re available despite taking over 17 credits this semester. I have some money saved, but I don’t know that I’ll be able to come up with the amount that I’ll need on my own.
            I need to raise the money quickly. I’ll be leaving towards the end of April so I only have a few weeks to get everything prepared. I am asking for your support then in donating whatever amount you can. A hundred to two hundred dollars from each person would be the ideal. But I know the economy is rough right now and you all have other expenses and concerns. This opportunity means the world to me and any donations you can give would be most helpful as I try to raise this money. Again, anything you can afford to spare would be helpful. Or, if you could pass this on to someone else who might be interested in donating, that would be great too! Those who can help, I will make an effort to represent Christ well to the people I come in contact with, and represent you and your gift to make this service possible, as best as I can.
            If you would like to donate, the easiest way would probably be through PayPal. My email address is

Please email me or call me! Donations aside, I want to keep in touch and would love to talk to you all and make sure you’re in my contacts as I embark on this adventure. As I am there, I will be keeping my blog consistently and will create a weekly email list. Thanks for taking the time to read this as well as all your love and support. I am so lucky to have as great of family as I do. I appreciate and love each you. You’re all wonderful. Mahalo!
Bailey Sue

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

LOTS of New Photos

The Sloth Meltdown

Ok so we all laughed at Kristen Bell and what seemed to be a ridiculous meltdown of joy over a sloth. But how many of you have actually seen a baby sloth? After this video and watching Bell's subsequent response, I decided I needed a see a baby sloth to see what all the hullabaloo was about...AND THEY ARE ONE OF THE CUTEST LITTLE CREATURES I'VE EVER SEEN! I admit it, I was totally gushing over google images. Not crying, but having an attack of squeals and ridiculous excitement. Seriously, I think they're adorable; who could resist these little guys?

I thought I'd share the love: 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The World Is Deprived

No but it is. Because there are some songs that aren't available on and I think it's a real shame. Because if they were there, they would totally be on my playlist for you all to listen to every time you opened this blog. So I'm taking it upon myself to post them here so I can at least say I tried and you all can listen to this wonderful stuff! It's beautiful!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Satan Sucks, But You're Ok!

The Chinchilla Poem
By Bailey Loveless

I bought a chinchilla to mend a broken heart
Because I was sick of trying to get men to do it.
My last two beasts ran away due to hormonal imbalances.
Thus I reasoned a chinchilla was the perfect pet.
So I bought the thing,
Gave it a name,
And stuck it in a cage.
I feed it. Groom it.
And take it out when I want to cuddle while watching TV.
We’re very happy together.
Now all I have to worry about is the thing dying on me.  

K so this poem is not the whole truth, I'm not suffering from a broken heart nor have I bought a chinchilla. At least not yet. But I certainly do plan on getting on! I have become obsessed with chinchillas. And I definitely think I deserve a new furry friend after my stupid cat ran away on me (he is one of the hormonal beasts I referred too). I will have a chinchilla and I thoroughly plan on watching tv with it. 

After expressing my craze to a friend, they shared with me the following song, which I totally love: 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hello Blog Gurus

I would like to apologize formally for my extended absence and hope y'all didn't totally give up on the blog in the meantime. My computer has been broken for about a month now and with school starting, it's been crazy trying to get pictures and such together. But I will be more diligent from now on and as an added apology, I would like to share a poem I wrote yesterday. Keep in mind it's in its most primitive and unedited form but, hopefully you enjoy it nevertheless:

Blood, guts, and gore
Are all we hear of anymore
It takes gore to gain glory
And guts to get up in the morning
And a heart pumped with blood
To learn how to love.
Blood, guts, and gore.
That's all we hear about anymore.